
Eccentric Isometrics

The Squat & Deadlift Trick To Save Your Spine

The Squat & Deadlift Trick To Save Your Spine

Want to crush your legs and save your spine while performing squats, deadlifts, and lunges?  Try this unique modification by employing direct resistance to your legs in conjunction with barbell loading.  It looks a bit crazy but it's highly effective.

Master Your Barbell Squat With This Advanced Technique

Master Your Barbell Squat With This Advanced Technique

Although there are numerous methods that can help clean up squat mechanics including proper coaching and cueing, one of the most effective techniques I’ve used for enhancing squat form is the offset loading protocol.  

Master Your Dips With The Trap Bar

Master Your Dips With The Trap Bar

Most individuals perform dips incorrectly and end up doing harm to their joints and connective tissue.  However, by performing dips on the trap bar, the lifter is required to hone in their mechanics and perform them with perfect technique.

Master Your Bodyweight Movements With Bands

Master Your Bodyweight Movements With Bands

Want to master your bodyweight exercises such as pushups, inverted rows, dips, and pullups? Try incorporating the anti-chaos band method. It requires unbelievably strict mechanics and smooth form or you will oscillate out of control. 

Strength and Size with Hanging Band Trap Bar Exercises

Strength and Size with Hanging Band Trap Bar Exercises

Try combining the hanging band technique with the trap bar.  You can perform a variety of movements including squats, deadlifts, presses, and rows.  Not only will you gain strength and size but your lifting mechanics will improve.

Annihilate Your Core and Back with This Renegade Row

Annihilate Your Core and Back with This Renegade Row

If you’re looking for an exercise that devastates the entire core, back, biceps, forearms, rear delts, and grip, look no further than this brutal overcoming isometric renegade row performed in a barbell suitcase fashion.

Fix Your Squats With the Foam Roller

Fix Your Squats With the Foam Roller

The anti-rolling foam roller squat is one of the most effective ways to clean up your squat form and crush your entire lower body.  In fact there are 10 reasons why it's so effective for enhancing lower body mechanics.

A Better Alternative to Pistol Squats

A Better Alternative to Pistol Squats

Pistol squats can cause joint issues and stress to connective tissue.  They're also pretty ineffective for producing strength and size gains in the lower body. Here's a better alternative using an eccentric isometric approach.

Fix Your Lunges with The Foam Roller

Fix Your Lunges with The Foam Roller

Here are two unique lunges using the foam roller that are sure to help clean up your lunge mechanics and help eliminate a number of common mistakes. As an added bonus you'll get amazing lower body growth and strength gains.

Eccentric Isometric Trap Bar Deadlifts for Strength and Size

Eccentric Isometric Trap Bar Deadlifts for Strength and Size

Looking for a simple yet highly effective trap bar deadlift variation?  Try this eccentric isometric deadlift as demonstrated by NFL superstar DeAngelo Hall. Not only will you build massive legs but your upper traps, lats and back will get jacked.

The Best Way To Perform Bulgarian Squats

The Best Way To Perform Bulgarian Squats

Many lifters find traditional Bulgarian squats awkward and uncomfortable.  Oftentimes that’s because the back foot rests against the top of the bench, which can feel quite uncomfortable.  Performing them like this alleviates this issue.

Rapid Eccentric Isometrics: The New Plyometric

Rapid Eccentric Isometrics: The New Plyometric

Rapid Eccentric Isometrics (REI's) are similar to standard eccentric isometrics except that the negative phase is performed rapidly rather than slowly.  There are multiple reasons why this enhances performance and strength.

Use Bottoms Up Pullovers For Size and Strength

Use Bottoms Up Pullovers For Size and Strength

Looking for a way to clean up your pullover technique while simultaneously blasting your entire core and upper body at once?  Try this eccentric isometric bottoms-up pullover variation with a hollow body leg raise hold.

A New Way To Squat with The Makeshift Safety Bar

A New Way To Squat with The Makeshift Safety Bar

By using wrists straps you can actually create your own makeshift safety squat bar that in many ways is superior to standard safety bars.  In fact there are multiple reasons why lifters should incorporate these into their training routines

Build Massive Legs with Trap Bar Bulgarian Squats

Build Massive Legs with Trap Bar Bulgarian Squats

Although the trap bar can be can be used for squats, deadlifts, chest presses, overhead presses, bent over rows, pullups, squat jumps, and even lunges, Bulgarian Squats are one of the most brutal variations that crush the entire lower body.  

The Ultimate Strength and Hypertrophy Technique

The Ultimate Strength and Hypertrophy Technique

When it comes to boosting functional strength and hypertrophy even in the most stubborn muscle groups /lifts, one of the most effective techniques I’ve used is combining eccentric isometrics with the one and a half method (1.5 rep technique).

Master Your Lower Body Mechanics with This Lunge

Master Your Lower Body Mechanics with This Lunge

If you're looking for a method to improve your lower body mechanics try this eccentric isometric lunge as shown here by NFL superstar DeAngelo Hall.  The impact this has on running mechanics and athletic performance is significant. 

Fix Your Ab Rollouts with Eccentric Isometrics

Fix Your Ab Rollouts with Eccentric Isometrics

The abdominal rollout is one of the most effective anti-extension and core activation exercise movements. Unfortunately most lifters perform them incorrectly either using an excessive range of motion or allowing the hips to drop.

Strengthen Your Back and Core With This Pullover

Strengthen Your Back and Core With This Pullover

If you’re looking for a great upper body movement that also anilities the core, look no further than this unique pullover exercise. Essentially you’re performing an eccentric isometric dumbbell pullover while holding a hollow body leg raise.