Looking for a simple yet highly effective trap bar deadlift variation? Try this eccentric isometric deadlift as demonstrated by NFL superstar DeAngelo Hall. Not only will you build massive legs but your upper traps, lats and back will get jacked.
Many lifters find traditional Bulgarian squats awkward and uncomfortable. Oftentimes that’s because the back foot rests against the top of the bench, which can feel quite uncomfortable. Performing them like this alleviates this issue.
If you're looking for a unique training method that crushes the core while also blasting the larger muscles of the body try this offset dumbbell protocol. As an added bonus it does wonders for cleaning up form and technique.
This deconstructed box jump with a reverse depth drop is highly effective for teaching athletes proper jumping mechanics as well as landing mechanics. It also helps improve sprint performance as demonstrated by DeAngelo Hall.
In this 3 part sprint series I have NFL star DeAngelo Hall performing several drills to improve sprint mechanics, running form, and body alignment to maximize speed, power, and athletic performance.
The single arm front-racked squat also known as the single arm goblet squat is one of my favorite squat variations for teaching intense core activation in conjunction with the squat pattern. Add this tweak to make it even better.
By using wrists straps you can actually create your own makeshift safety squat bar that in many ways is superior to standard safety bars. In fact there are multiple reasons why lifters should incorporate these into their training routines
Although the trap bar can be can be used for squats, deadlifts, chest presses, overhead presses, bent over rows, pullups, squat jumps, and even lunges, Bulgarian Squats are one of the most brutal variations that crush the entire lower body.
If you're looking for a method to improve your lower body mechanics try this eccentric isometric lunge as shown here by NFL superstar DeAngelo Hall. The impact this has on running mechanics and athletic performance is significant.
The goblet squat is a great lower body exercise but oftentimes the upper body ends up being the limiting factor. As a result the lower body doesn’t always get taxed as intensely. Here's a simple solution.
The anti-sliding lunge is a quick and incredibly effective method for cleaning up your lunge and split squat mechanics literally within seconds. In fact, there are 5 reasons why this lunge is so effective not to mention the strength benefits.
The squat-stance deadlift is my go-to deadlift variation not only for my pro and collegiate athletes but also for my bodybuilders, powerlifters, and general populations clients. That's because it's ideal for strength, size, and performance.
If you’re looking for a unique lower body variation to clean up your lunge and split squat mechanics then you’ll want to give this Zercher Lunge a try. There are several unique components that make this so effective for targeting the lower body and core.
Mastering the single leg hip hinge is pivotal for maximizing athletic performance, muscle function, and movement mechanics. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most butchered movement patterns with many trainers, athletes and coaches performing it wrong.
The lunge and the single leg RDL are two of my favorite exercises for crushing the posterior chain and improving movement mechanics. Here’s a glute blaster that combines the best elements of the lunge and single leg RDL into one glute thrasher.
Besides being very effective for performing standard squats, this makeshift safety bar setup is very conducive for performing barbell lunges. Not only will it improve your lunge mechanics but your entire lower body will get crushed from this.
Over the past several months I’ve showcased several variations of the barbell hack lunge and split squat describing why it’s such an effective lower body lunge movement. Fortunately the same principles can be applied to the Bulgarian squat
This barbell glute bridge is one of the most advanced yet also most effective glute bridge variations that absolutely crushes the entire posterior chain. It has has several unique components that helps target the glutes.