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Oblique Slings: The Secret to Athletic Performance & Strength

Oblique Slings: The Secret to Athletic Performance & Strength

Want to maximize your athletic performance, strength, muscularity, stability, and joint health? Time to start taking advantage of functional training methods that utilize the anterior and posterior oblique slings via contralateral hip activation and unilateral movement patterns.

Offset Loading for Strength, Size, & Performance

Offset Loading for Strength, Size, & Performance

Offset loading training is one of my favorite strength training techniques not only for eliminating imbalances, asymmetries, and muscle dysfunction, but also for building ridiculous levels of functional strength, hypertrophy, motor control, and core stability. Read more here.

The Best Zercher Squats You’ve Never Done

The Best Zercher Squats You’ve Never Done

The barbell Zercher squat is an incredibly effective lower body exercise.  However it also has its share of downfalls.  Here's how to use kettlebells and landmine stations to improve the effectiveness of this classic strength exercise.  

Good Mornings For Strong Glutes & Posterior Chain

Good Mornings For Strong Glutes & Posterior Chain

The good morning exercise is one of the best posterior chain movements that crushes the glutes and hamstrings while also blasting the postural muscles of the upper body. Unfortunately it gets a bad rap. Here’s how to perform it correctly plus 20 unique variations.

Fix Your Low Back Arch on Bench Press

Fix Your Low Back Arch on Bench Press

Excessive low back/lumbar arch on bench press movements is a common mistake even amongst advanced lifters. Not only does it set the individual up for potential injuries but also minimizes the effectiveness of the chest press itself. Let’s fix it!

The Best Landmine Exercises You've Never Done

The Best Landmine Exercises You've Never Done

The Landmine is one of the most versatile training tools in existence. Unfortunately many lifters limit its application to basic rows, goblet squats, and presses. There are dozens of unique exercises that can be performed with it. Here are my favorites.

50 Impossible Exercises You Can’t Do

50 Impossible Exercises You Can’t Do

Over the years I’ve posted some pretty crazy exercises many of which can only be performed once you’ve truly mastered your body mechanics and form. With that said here are 50 brutally tough exercises you’ve likely never done and probably can’t.

Goblet Squats & Front Racked Squats Made Better

Goblet Squats & Front Racked Squats Made Better

The belt squat is an amazing exercise that crushes the legs and you can make it even better by combining it with front rack kettlebell squats and goblet squats.  Here are multiple variations you can use to induce functional mass in the legs.

7 Eccentric Landmine Methods For Strength, Size, & Muscle Function

7 Eccentric Landmine Methods For Strength, Size, & Muscle Function

The research is clear on what it takes to build muscle mass, improve functional strength, prevent injuries, and preserve joint health - simply, emphasize a movement’s eccentric phase. Here's how to apply it to the landmine apparatus for optimal results.

The Best Posture & Back Exercise You’re Not Doing

The Best Posture & Back Exercise You’re Not Doing

Looking for a unique but incredibly effective method for crushing your upper back and lats while simultaneously improving your posture and spinal alignment. Look no further than these plank rows and plank pullups. Be warned, these aren’t for the faint of heart.

The Easiest Foot and Ankle Fix: Bridge the Gap

The Easiest Foot and Ankle Fix: Bridge the Gap

Looking for a quick solution for fixing improper foot and ankle mechanics? Look no further than the “bridge the gap” method. Here’s how to apply it to your favorite single leg movements as well as squats, deadlifts, lunges, and hinges for optimal lower body function.

Master Your Hip Function with The Copenhagen Plank

Master Your Hip Function with The Copenhagen Plank

While oftentimes neglected, the adductor muscles, inner thighs, and groin must be kept in proportion to the other hip muscles to ensure optimal function, performance, and joint health. Here’s why the Copenhagen plank is the best tool for the job.

The Truth About Pain Science & Body Mechanics

The Truth About Pain Science & Body Mechanics

The topic of pain science is incredibly complex. Unfortunately the fitness industry has perpetuated many myths & misconceptions about it. Here’s the truth about pain science including neuroscience pain education (NPE) therapy as it applies to exercise.

Master Your Jumping & Landing Mechanics

Master Your Jumping & Landing Mechanics

When it comes to optimizing athletic performance, speed, and power output, mastering your jumping and landing mechanics are key. Here are some of my favorite variations to master your jumping & landing mechanics including eccentric isometrics.

The Ultimate Bench Press Enhancer – Box Bench Press

The Ultimate Bench Press Enhancer – Box Bench Press

The box bench press is not only one of the safest chest pressing exercises there is but it’s also one of the most effective variations for improving your bench press strength and functional hypertrophy in the upper body. Here’s why.

15 Tips For Training Adolescent Athletes

15 Tips For Training Adolescent Athletes

The topic of training children and adolescent athletes is often controversial as there is quite a bit of inconclusive and mixed data.  Here are my top 15 most important tips for safely and effectively optimizing performance in young athletes.

Eccentric Chest Flyes For Massive Pectorals

Eccentric Chest Flyes For Massive Pectorals

If you’re looking for a seriously intense yet effective way to build massive pectorals, you’ll want to give these eccentric accentuated chest flyes a try. Just be prepared for some serious levels of soreness followed soon thereafter with some incredible growth.

10 Cable Chest Presses For Functional Mass & Strength

10 Cable Chest Presses For Functional Mass & Strength

The standing cable chest press is one of the most functional horizontal pressing exercises there is. Unfortunately it’s oftentimes an overlooked and undervalued gem of a movement. Here are my top 10 favorite variations for building strength & size.

The Best Trap Bar Modification

The Best Trap Bar Modification

Combining the trap bar with accommodating resistance in the form of band assistance, band resistance, and chains produces some incredibly potent movements particularly when it comes to deadlifts, squats, hinges, lunges, and more.

The Best Way to Perform Glute Bridges & Hip Thrusters

The Best Way to Perform Glute Bridges & Hip Thrusters

Many of you know I’m a huge advocate of eccentric isometrics as they’re one of the most effective methods for improving strength, size, and muscle function. This same concept can just as easily be applied to glute bridges and hip thrusters.