
Use Bottoms Up Pullovers For Size and Strength

Use Bottoms Up Pullovers For Size and Strength

Looking for a way to clean up your pullover technique while simultaneously blasting your entire core and upper body at once?  Try this eccentric isometric bottoms-up pullover variation with a hollow body leg raise hold.

Blast Your Core and Legs with This Unique Goblet Squat

Blast Your Core and Legs with This Unique Goblet Squat

The single arm front-racked squat also known as the single arm goblet squat is one of my favorite squat variations for teaching intense core activation in conjunction with the squat pattern.  Add this tweak to make it even better.

A New Way To Squat with The Makeshift Safety Bar

A New Way To Squat with The Makeshift Safety Bar

By using wrists straps you can actually create your own makeshift safety squat bar that in many ways is superior to standard safety bars.  In fact there are multiple reasons why lifters should incorporate these into their training routines

Build Massive Legs with Trap Bar Bulgarian Squats

Build Massive Legs with Trap Bar Bulgarian Squats

Although the trap bar can be can be used for squats, deadlifts, chest presses, overhead presses, bent over rows, pullups, squat jumps, and even lunges, Bulgarian Squats are one of the most brutal variations that crush the entire lower body.  

Band Resisted Dips For Massive Upper Body Growth

Band Resisted Dips For Massive Upper Body Growth

During most exercises the strength curve of the movement does not match that of the muscles. By using bands or chains on dips the stimulus to the chest, triceps, and shoulders is incredibly high as the amount of tension is off the charts. 

The Ultimate Strength and Hypertrophy Technique

The Ultimate Strength and Hypertrophy Technique

When it comes to boosting functional strength and hypertrophy even in the most stubborn muscle groups /lifts, one of the most effective techniques I’ve used is combining eccentric isometrics with the one and a half method (1.5 rep technique).

Master Your Lower Body Mechanics with This Lunge

Master Your Lower Body Mechanics with This Lunge

If you're looking for a method to improve your lower body mechanics try this eccentric isometric lunge as shown here by NFL superstar DeAngelo Hall.  The impact this has on running mechanics and athletic performance is significant. 

Combine These Squats for Ultimate Leg Development

Combine These Squats for Ultimate Leg Development

The goblet squat is a great lower body exercise but oftentimes the upper body ends up being the limiting factor.  As a result the lower body doesn’t always get taxed as intensely.  Here's a simple solution.

Fix Your Pullups with the Trap Bar

Fix Your Pullups with the Trap Bar

Most people use the trap bar for lower body exercises such as deadlifts and squats and occasional upper body lifts like rows and presses.  However it’s also incredibly effective when applied to pullups and chinups. Here’s how it works.

Band-Resisted Inverted Rows for Back and Glutes

Band-Resisted Inverted Rows for Back and Glutes

If you’re looking for an efficient method for incorporating added resistance to inverted rows try incorporating band resistance while holding a glute bridge. There are several benefits of this back and glute combination exercise.

Massive Lats and Back with Side Lat Pulldowns

Massive Lats and Back with Side Lat Pulldowns

Side or angled lat pulldowns have become increasingly popular in the bodybuilding world as they’re quite potent for building functional size and strength in the lats and upper back. Here's a unique variation using a stability ball

The Ultimate Chest and Core Combination Exercise

The Ultimate Chest and Core Combination Exercise

This chest press is sure to take your upper body and core to the next level.  Essentially you’re combining three of my favorite techniques into one exercise; the “T-bench” technique, “head off” protocol, and “half body off” position. 

The Yoak Training System: A Review and Analysis

The Yoak Training System: A Review and Analysis

The Yoak training system is one of the most versatile and effective strength training tools I've used.  It takes advantage of oscillating kinetic energy and applies it to standard barbell movements as well as bodyweight exercises.

Build Your Posterior Chain With The Chaos Glute Bridge

Build Your Posterior Chain With The Chaos Glute Bridge

The next time you want to crush your backside try this unique but brutal chaos glute bridge.  Not only will it destroy your entire backside but you'll work your stabilizers throughout your lower body and maximize your body mechanics.

Use Accommodating Resistance To Boost Your Overhead Press

Use Accommodating Resistance To Boost Your Overhead Press

Most lifters typically apply accommodating resistance (bands and chains) to the big three lifts such as squats, bench press, and deadlifts.  However this technique is also incredibly effective when applied to the overhead press.

Use This Eccentric Pushup For Massive Strength and Size Gains

Use This Eccentric Pushup For Massive Strength and Size Gains

If you're looking for a unique way to overload your pushups and emphasize the eccentric overload component then you'll want to give these a try. Just expect massive gains in your chest, shoulders, and triceps as well as your core

Build Massive Shoulders With Negative Push Press

Build Massive Shoulders With Negative Push Press

If you’re looking to build your shoulder size and strength to the next level you’ll want to implement this eccentric accentuated push press as they exploit all of the key mechanisms of hypertrophy (muscle damage, tension, and metabolic stress).

Use Band Resistance On Olympic Lifts and Cleans

Use Band Resistance On Olympic Lifts and Cleans

I often use accommodating resistance on Olympic lifts particularly in the form of reverse bands.  However, band resisted Olympic lifts as advocated by Louie Simmons (Westside Barbell) also works incredibly well on cleans.